Your bouquet is delivered in bud form to ensure freshness and longevity. While it may look slightly different from the fully bloomed image on our website, this exciting surprise allows you to witness the gradual unfolding of each flower's beauty. For detailed care instructions on nurturing your bouquet and encouraging its blossoming process, please refer to our "Caring for Your Delivered Bouquet" article.
Same Number of Stems as Pictured:
We use the same number of stems as depicted on the website to ensure consistency and value. While there may be slight variations due to flower availability and seasonality, the overall design and aesthetic are faithfully represented.
Florist Bouquets:
Value and Colour Schemes: For our florist bouquets, we guarantee the same value and colour scheme as shown in the website photo. While there may be variations in specific flower varieties due to availability, our florists work diligently to create bouquets that match the overall look and feel of the original design.
Contacting Us for Concerns:
If you believe the wrong bouquet has been delivered or if you have concerns about the arrangement, please contact us through this dedicated support channel. Our customer service team will be happy to assist you and address any issues promptly.
At Euroflorist, we take pride in our carefully arranged bouquets that can be displayed straight away. We use the same number of stems as pictured on the website and ensure the bouquets are protected during transit. Our florist bouquets maintain the same value and colour scheme as depicted online. If you have any concerns about the delivered bouquet or suspect an incorrect bouquet has been received, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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